522 4th Street, Suite 200, Sioux City, IA 51101

Foodbank | 2022

KRP staff joined with students and faculty from the Morningside University Accounting program to pack bags for the Foodbank of Siouxland’s Backpack Program. We kick off our fall efforts every September as part of the Iowa Society of Certified Public Accountants (ISCPA) Month of Service (MOS) and schedule additional nights in October and November. Each night, our volunteers pack 600-700 bags of food for area children In conjunction with our Foodbank volunteer nights, we also host a food drive at KRP to donate to the Foodbank’s pantry.

The BackPack Program provides a sack of food for a child in area schools to have place in their backpack on Fridays. This program provides additional food security for children wo might otherwise have little to no food over the weekend. For more information, visit